Best 4 foods for youthful and healthy skin pexels-lucas-macario
Photo by Lucas Macario from Pexels

Everyone wants a good look and healthy skin. It represents a person’s personality. Different people use different tips, techniques, and products to keep their skin healthy. Besides this, it is important to eat healthy foods, vegetables, and fruits. You can improve the look and feel of your skin by eating the right food.

Doctors and nutritionists say anyone can keep their skin healthy by eating some nutritious foods. Nutritionist Karen Fischer, author of younger and healthy skin in 28 Days recommends these four foods.

Four foods for healthy skin:


Everyone knows lemons and limes have good cleaning powers. But centuries after centuries lemons and limes have also been used as body and skin cleansing products. These contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), which help to rejuvenating the body and youthful skin.

Also, high alkalizing, these citrus fruits promote more youthful skin by helping the body eliminate toxins. They also contain vitamin C, which boosts collagen formation in tie skin. You can use lemon and limes for your oily skin, to prevent blackheads and acne, to repair dead skin cells, etc. Lemons and limes have antibacterial elements which kill harmful skin bacteria.


Black sesame seeds have many benefits both health, hair, and skin. It contains antioxidants, protein, magnesium, iron, fatty acids, and zinc. When we go outside for work, sun ultra violates rays directly enter our skin cell and damage it. But if we use black sesame seed oil, then it can prevent more than 30% of damaging ultraviolet rays. These ultraviolet rays may cause wrinkles and skin age before time. Besides this, other properties of this black sesame seed keep skin fresh and healthy.


Oily fish has many health and skin benefits. It reduces heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and the development of the skin. The omega-3s in Oily fish such as salmon, trout, sardines, and tuna help calm skin inflammation, reduce skin sensitivity and enhance the immune system. Besides this, oily fish vitamins and minerals control skin under fat, which keeps skin soft and smooth.


Vitamin C is a good source for the face. Red guava contains a huge amount of dietary fiber and vitamin C (source Wikipedia). A red grave contains six times more vitamin C than oranges. It is also a rich source of lycopene, which helps protect the skin from sun damage.

Besides this, red guava vitamins and minerals help to improve skin and its cell. Red guava is a good source of vitamin C, and vitamin C help to produce skin collagen. This collagen keeps skin smooth, soft, and wrinkle-free. Also, it removes skin dead cells and produces new healthy skin cells.

Four vitamins for healthy skin:


Your body turns the proteins you eat into structure blocks called amino acids and reuses them to make other proteins, including the collagen and keratin that form the structure of the skin. Amino acids also help slough off old skin. Some amino acids are antioxidants that cover skin cells against UV shafts and from” free revolutionaries” made when your body breaks down certain foods or is around a cigarette bank.

Vitamin A:

Both the upper and lower layers of skin need vitamin A. It seems to help sun damage by interposing the process that breaks down collagen. Since it’s an antioxidant, it may give your skin some protection against sunburn (although not as important as wearing sunscreen). It helps the canvas glands around your hair follicles work and may also help cuts and scrapes heal, especially if you are taking steroids to reduce inflammation. Without enough vitamin A, your skin might get dry and itchy, or bumpy.

Vitamin C:

Suppose”C” for collagen This vitamin helps the crooked web of protein hold its shape. It’s also an important antioxidant, guarding you against free revolutionaries and conceivably lowering your chance of skin cancer. Low situations of vitamin C can beget easy bruising and bleeding epoxies, as well as slower-mending blisters.


The external subcaste of your skin has five times further of this mineral than the subcaste underneath. Zinc helps your skin heal after an injury. It’s demanded to keep cell walls stable and for cells to divide and specialize as they grow.

Zinc may cover skin from UV damage because of the way it behaves in relation to other essences in your body, like iron and bobby. It also acts as an antioxidant.
Too little zinc can look like eczema, but the itchy rash will not get better when you put moisturizers and steroid creams on it.

Besides the skin benefits, these foods and vitamins have many other health benefits. There are many other vitamins and minerals for healthy skin. You can eat them. It is best practice to make a healthy diet chart and food list for your health and healthy skin. Also, you must add these four foods and vitamins to your diet chart list.

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